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1. Alternative model and approach for determinig microbial hetero trophic activities in aquatic systems [Texto fotocopiado] / A. S. Dietz, L. J. Albright, T. TuominenPublication: Description: 7 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[00850-PP] (1).

2. Limnologia / Robert G. Wetzel ; tradução e prefácio de Maria José BoavidaPublication: Lisboa : 1993, cop. 1983, Fundação Calouste GulbenkianDescription: XII, 920, [98] p. : il. ; 25 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[3515.1] (1).

3. Modeling biochemical processes in aquatic ecosystems / edited by Raymond P. CanalePublication: Ann Arbor, Michigan : 1976, Ann Arbor Science PublishersDescription: VIII, 389 p. : il. ; 23 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[04623] (1).

4. Environmental physiology of animals / Pat Willmer, Graham Stone, and Ian JohnstonPublication: Malden, MA : 2005, cop. 2000, Blackwell PublishingDescription: XIII, 754 p. : il. ; 29 cmAvailability:

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