Estudo dos principais sismos que atingiram o território de Portugal Continental / Maria Luisa Senos, Dinora Ramalhete, Maria Jerónima TaquelimPublication: Lisboa : INMG, 1994Description: 22 p.; :
il. ;
30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[M. 54/5]
Contribuição para o estudo da predição sísmica a médio prazo : aplicação à região oeste da Península Ibérica / Ilídio Martins, L. A. Mendes VíctorPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Geofísico Infante D. Luís, 1994Description: 35 p. ;
30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[Estante Prof. Peixoto]
Observational methods and data processing / Luis Mendes VictorPublication: Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[Caixa Mendes Victor]
Multiparameter earthquake prediction equipment- A review / Luis Mendes VictorPublication: Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[Caixa Mendes Victor]
Modernização da rede sismográfica nacional / Maria Luísa Senos, Paulo Reis, Dina ValesPublication: Lisboa : IM, 1994Description: 14 p. ;
25 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[Caixa Luisa Senos]
Inside the earth / Bruce BoltPublication: San Francisco : Freeman and Company, 1982Description: 192 p. ;
20 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[25/2]
Ostremores de terra / A. FourgeroussePublication: Lisboa : Estúdios Cor, 1969Description: 120 p. ;
20 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[25/2]
Proceedings of the ECE/UN Seminar on Prediction of Earthquakes : occurrence and ground motion, Lisboa, Portugal, November, 14-18 1988 / ed. by Carlos S. OliveiraPublication: Lisboa : LNEC, 1990Description: 2 v. ;
23 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[L. 26/2]
On earthquake risk for nuclear power plants : Proceedings of the ESC Symposium in Luxembourg on 20-22 Oct. 1975 : dited by A. RitsemaPublication: Luxembourg : Royal Meteorological Institute, 1976Description: 180 p. ;
25 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[25/2]
European Earthquake Engineering / editado por Duilio BenedettiPublication: Milano : Diulio Benedetti • 1987Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[25/2]
Analisis de los acelerogramas del terremoto de 24 de Junio de 1984 / E. Herrero, C. CasadoPublication: Madrid : Instituto geografico Nacional, 1989Description: 48 p. ;
25 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[25/2]
Seismologie et Physique de l'intérieur de la terre : Rapport national du Portugal (territoires d'Europe, Iles de l'Atlantique, Provinces d' Outremer) / editado pelo Serviço Meteorologico NacionalPublication: Lisboa : SMN, 1957Description: 8 p. ;
15 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[25/2]
Geophysical signal analysis / E. Robinson, S. TreitelPublication: Englewood Cliffs : Prentice-Hall, 1980Description: 466 p. ;
20 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[25/2]
Global Tectonics and Earthquake risk / C. LomnitzPublication: Amsterdam : Elsevier Publishing Co, 1974Description: 320 p. ;
20 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[25/2]
Monitoring nuclear explosions / O. Dahlman, H. IsraelsonPublication: Amsterdam : Elsevier Publishing Co, 1977Description: 440 p. ;
20 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[25/2]
Proceedings of the XV General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. Krakow, 22-28 Sept. 1976 / edited by R. TeisseyrePublication: Warszawa : Polish Academy of Sciences, 1977Description: 200 p. ;
20 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[25/2]
Terremotos : Evaluacion y mitigacion de su peligrosidade / edited by UNESCOPublication: Paris : UNESCO, 1980Description: 360 p. ;
20 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[25/2]
Recent seismological investigations in Europe : Proceedings of the XIX General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. Moscovo Oct. 1-6 1984 : dited by Academy of Sciences of MoscowPublication: Moscovo : Academy of Sciences, 1988Description: 590 p. ;
20 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[25/2]
Proceedings of the Symposium on Tsunamis : Mexico, 23-26, 1977 / edited by IUGGPublication: Ottawa : Department of Fisheries and the Environment, 1978Description: 285 p. ;
25 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[25/2]
Planet earth : Earthquake / edited by B. WalkerPublication: Amsterdam : Time-Life Books, 1982Description: 176 p. ;
25 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[25/2]