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1. Observing systems technologies and their use in the next decade / edited by WMOPublication: Geneva : WMO, 2000Description: 25 p. ; 29 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[E. 6] (1).

2. Proceedings of second CGC/WMO workshop on the impact of various observing systems on numerical weather prediction : Toulouse, France, 6-8 March 2000 / edited by J. Pailleux, H. BottgerPublication: Geneva : WMO, 2000Description: 205 p. ; 29 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[E. 6] (1).

3. Os sistemas de observação meteorológica na Europa e no Atlântico- Norte. Os novos conceitos na EUMETNET / renato de CarvalhoPublication: Lisboa : IM, 2001Description: 3 p. ; 29 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[caixa autor] (1).

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