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1. Final report of expert meeting on the assessment of the meteorological aspects of the second phase of EMEP friedrichshafen Germany W. Dec.7-10,1983 ; WMO/OMMPublication: Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[S.23/24 INMG] (1).

2. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on the Tropical ocean global atmosphere (TOGA) Programme : held at Melbourne Australia, 2-7 April / World Meteorological OrganizationPublication: Geneve : WMO, 1995Description: 2 v. ; 20 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[E. 6] (1).

3. The scientific programme / edited by IUGGPublication: London : IUGG, 1999Description: 80 p. ; 29 cm.Availability: Items available for loan: (1), Biblioteca da Sede[E. 36] (1).

4. Conference MARS Project. Ten years of demand-driven technical support.Proceedings : Brussel, 22-23 April 1999Publication: Brussels : SAI, 2000Description: 180 p. ; 29 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[E.] (1).

5. Modelling and prediction of the upper layers of the ocean / proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute, Urbino, Italy, 1975, a NATO sponsered Advanced Study Institute ; edited by E. B. KrausPublication: Oxford : 1977, Pergamon PressDescription: XIII, 352 p. : il. ; 25 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[06750] (1).

6. Report / of the Advanced Seminar on Economic and Legal Aspects of Pollution Abatement Strategies in Europe, September 17-23, 1990 - Moscow, URSS ; initiated by the Venice Group for Cooperative Studies in Science and Culture with the participation of the UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology for EuropePublication: Venice, Italy : 1991, UNESCO, Regional Office for Science and Technology for EuropeDescription: 416 p. : il. ; 19 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[08412] (1).

7. Summary report of Workshop / Advanced Research Workshop "Deep Water Fisheries of the North Atlantic Oceanic Slope", 1-4th March 1994, Dennison Centre, Hull, England, 1994Publication: Hull, England : 1994, Sea Fish Industry Authority Technology DivisonDescription: 46, [16] p. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[08754] (1).

8. Appropriate technology for alternative energy sources in fisheries : proceedings / of ADB-ICLARM Workshop on appropriate technology for alternative energy sources in fisheries, Manila, 1981 ; edited by R. C. May, I. R. Smith, D. B. ThomsonPublication: Manila : 1982, ICLARMAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[01890-PP] (1).

9. Report / of the Ad Hoc Group on West African Coastal Pelagic Fish from Mauritania to Liberia, 26 ºN to 5N, held at the Centre de Recherches Océanographiques de Dakar-Thiaroye Senegalese Institute for Agricultural Research, 19-24 Jun. 1978Publication: Rome : 1979, FAO, CECAFDescription: VIII, 161 p. : il. ; 28 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[00696-PP] (1).

10. Report / of the Ad Hoc Working on Artisanal Fisheries, Cotonou, 9-12 Jul., 1980Publication: Description: I, [1], 26, [10] p. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[01633-PP] (1).

11. Fisheries technologies for developing countries : report / Ad Hoc Panel of the Board on Science and Technology for International Development, Office of International Affairs National Research CouncilPublication: Washington, D. C. : 1988, National Academy PressDescription: VII, 168 p. : il. ; 23 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[07806] (1).

12. Actual problems of oceanography in Portugal : seminar held in Lisbon on 20th and 21st November 1980 / organized by Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica, NATO Marine Sciences PanelPublication: Lisbon : 1982, JNICTDescription: 258 p. : il. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[06679] (1).

13. As rias galegas, 1º. Vigo, 10, 11 e 12 de Marzo de 1983 : Actas do Seminário de Ciências do Mar = The Galician Rias, 1st, Vigo, 10, 11, 12 March 1983 : Proceedings of the Seminar on Marine sciencePublication: Sada. A. Coruña : 1984, Ediciós de CastroDescription: 6449, [2] p. : il. ; 24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[07451] (1).

14. Proceedings of the / Acid Rain Evaluation Seminar, ,March 13-15 ; edited by R. V. Huntley, R. Z. RiversPublication: Ottawa : 1986, Department of Fisheries and OceansDescription: 11 p. : il. ; 28 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[01718-PP] (1).

15. Analyse des eaux résiduaires industrielles : recueil des conférences : Rapport des / Journées d'Étude en 1973-1974 ; organisées par la Féderation des Industries Chimiques de Belgique - ECOCHEM ; ed. J. BormansPublication: Paris : cop. 1974, EyrollesDescription: 186 p. : il. ; 23 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[04507] (1).

16. Sensory evaluation of appearance of material / a Symposium sponsored by ASTM Comittee E-12 on Appearance of Materials and Comittee E-18 on Sensory Evaluation of Materials and Products, 24-25 Oct. 1972 ; American Society for Testing and Materials - ASTMPublication: Philadelphia : cop. 1973, American Society for Testing and Materials - ASTMDescription: [6], 194 : il. ; 23 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[06289] (1).

17. Biological methods for the assessment of water quality : a symposium presented at the Annual Meeting, 75 th., / American Society for Testing and Materials ; edited by John Cairns, Jr. and K. L. DicksonPublication: Philadelphia, Pa. : 1976, American Society for Testing and MaterialsDescription: VII, 256 : il. ; 24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[03545] (1).

18. Some mathematical problems in biology : proceedings / of the Symposium on Mathematical Biology, held at Washington D.C., December, 1966 ; prepared by The American Mathematical Society ; pref. Murray GrestenhaberPublication: Providence, Rhode Island : 1968, The American Mathematical SocietyDescription: V, [1], 117 p. : il. ; 22 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[01113] (1).

19. Limpeza de petroleiros : alguns aspectos operacionais e suas consequências : eliminação de resíduos / José E. F. Soeiro de AlmeidaPublication: [Porto] : [ca 1974], [Ordem dos Engenheiros]Description: 31 p. : il. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[04829] (1).

20. Determinação da importância dos progenitores na transferência de organoclorados na cultura da dourada Sparus aurata / Odete Castro, Pedro Pousão Ferreira, Carlos ValeSet Level: <Seminário sobre aquacultura mediterrânica 91, Portugal, INIP, Lisboa, 11-13 de Dezembro de 1991> p. 421-426Publication: Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[01603-PP] (1).

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