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1. Bangos culture in the Philippines [Texto fotocopiado] / W. F. CarbineSet Level: <Progressive Fish-Culturist>. - Oct. 1948, p. 187-197 : il.Publication: Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[02495-S] (1).

2. Studies on Artemia production in earthen ponds in the Philippines [Texto fotocopiado] / by Nepheronia A. Jumalon... [et al.], Demetric G. Estenor, Ruby F. BombeoPublication: Iloilo, Philippines : 1983, Seafdec-Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center. Aquaculture DepartmentDescription: 18 p. : il. ; 28 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[04038-S] (1).

3. SUGPO and other Philippine Penaeids : a classified list of materials available at the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department Library / compil. The Library and Documentation ServicesPublication: Lloilo, Philippines : 1986, SEAFDEC Aquaculture DepartmentDescription: IX, 128 p. ; 25 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[07608] (1).

4. Philippine fisheries : a handbook prepared by the technical staff of the bureau of fisheries / dir. D. V. VilladolidPublication: Manila : 1952, Indo-Pacific Fisheries CouncilDescription: viii, [2], 159, [1] p. : il. ; 22 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[01060] (1).

5. English and local common names of philippine fishes / Albert W. Herre, Agustin F. Umali; United States Department of the InteriorPublication: Washington : 1948, United States Government Printing OfficeDescription: VI, 128 p. ; 23 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[03821] (1).

6. Fishing gear and methods in Southeast Asia : vol.3. Philippines, part 1 / Ed. by Narong Ruangsivakul ...[et al.] ; prep. by Jonathan O. Dickson, ...[et al.]Publication: Samut Prakan : 2003, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development CenterDescription: 210 p. : il., desenhos, tabelas, mapas, fotografias, p. & b. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[10402] (1).

7. Introduction of TEDs in Asia / Bundit ChokesanguanPublication: [S.l.] : 1998, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development CenterDescription: 26 p. : il., tabelas, figuras, mapas, gráficos, p. & b. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[10399] (1).

8. Respeitante a moluscos, cultura de crustáceos e pesca de arrasto. 2. A cultura de animais marinhos. Perspectivas da cultura artificial de crustáceos em Portugal. / Maria José de FigueiredoSet Level: Relatorios do IBM, 13 a 16, 1968-1970Publication: Lisboa : 1969, Instituto de Biologia MarítimaDescription: 14, [2] p. : il. ; 29 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[00285-PP] (1).

9. Motorização de barcos de pesca ao candil / Jerónimo Osório de CastroPublication: Lisboa : 1968, Grémio dos Armadores da Pesca do Bacalhau, da Sardinha e do ArrastoDescription: p. 31-44 : il. ; 22 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[00111-PP] (1).

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