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1. Normais Climatológicas dos territórios do Ultramar, correspondentes a 1931-1960 ; H. Amorim FerreiraPublication: Lisboa : Serv.Met.Nac., 1965, Lisboa : )Tipog.Técnico-CientíficaDescription: 243 p.;Description: Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[M.1/4 INMG] (1).

2. Sub-Saharan rainfall, 1981-84 / Sharon E.NicholsonPublication: Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[RE.12/3 INMG] (1).

3. Computation of ground surface conduction heat flux by Fourier analysis of surface temperature / Guy CoutenetPublication: Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[RE.12/3 INMG] (1).

4. Meteorology and agroforestry / ed. W.S. Reifsnyder, T.O. Darnhofer ; ICRAF,WMO,UNEPPublication: Nairobi : ICRAF, 1989Description: IV, 546p.; : il. ; 24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[L.20/6] (1).

5. Estimation of dispersion in an unsaturated aquifer / D.StephensonPublication: Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[RE.9/2 INMG] (1).

6. A dinâmica da atmosfera e a hidrologia do continente africano / José Pinto PeixotoPublication: Lisboa : Academia de Ciências, 1966Description: 23 p. ;20 cm;Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[Estante Peixoto] (1).

7. Agrometeorologie operationnelle : recueil de notices phénologiques ; WMOPublication: Geneva : WMO, 1991Description: 266p. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[L. 24/] (1).

8. Urban Climatology in Africa : d. by Yinka R. AdebayoPublication: geneva : WMO, 1992Description: 158 p. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[M. 24/4] (1).

9. Acte du colloque MEDIAS workshop proceedings. Toulouse-France, 17-20 février 1992 / Centre de Recherche Régionale IGBP pour le Bassin Méditerranéen et l'Afrique SubtropicalePublication: Toulouse : CNES, 1992Description: 256 p. ; 30 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[R. 67/4] (1).

10. Prévision climatique en Afrique. Climate Forecast in Africa / edited by ACMADPublication: Geneva : WMO, 1998Description: 210 p. ; 29 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[E.6] (1).

11. Coping with the climate : A way forward / edited by International Research Institute for Climate PredictionPublication: New York : IRI, 2001Description: 168 p. ; 29 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca da Sede[E.3] (1).

12. Marine pollution and state of research and monitoring in Western Africa / by M. R. AminiPublication: Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[07177] (1).

13. Some aspects of the marketing of dried fish in Central and West Africa / by George R. Allen, Jacques ChauxPublication: Rome : 1961, FAODescription: 60 p. ; 29 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[00329] (1).

14. Bathymetry geological structure and sedimentology of the continental shelf of Western Africa : Gulf and Guinea / B. N. AkpatiPublication: Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[07177] (1).

15. Sur quatre genres de Carangidae [Téléostéens perciformes] de la côte occidentale d'Afrique : Decaptems, Caranx, Trachurus, Suareus : affinités et rapports phylogéniques / par M. Blanc et M. L. BauchotPublication: [S.l.] : 1961, [s.n.]Description: p. 484-497 : il. ; 21 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[02686-S] (1).

16. Peixes novos de Portugal e da Africa Occidental e caracteres distintivos d'outras espécies já conhecidas / por F. de Brito CapelloPublication: [S.l.] : [1867?], [s.n.]Description: 16 p., 1 p. desdobr. : il. ; 23 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[03786-Reservado] (1).

17. Coastal upwelling areas off Western Africa primary production and living resources / C. BasPublication: Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[07177] (1).

18. A pictorial guide to South African fishes : marine and freshwater / by K. H. BarnardPublication: Cape Town : [19--?], Maskew MillerDescription: XVII, 226 p. : il. ; 22 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[04089] (1).

19. A monograph of the marine fishes of South Africa / by K. H. BarnardPublication: Edinburgh : 1925-1927, Trustees of the South African MuseumDescription: 2 vol. : il. ; 26 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[04087] (1).

20. Remarques sur quelques espèces ouest-africaines d'Alpheidae, Decapoda macrura : description d'Alpheus blachei sp. nov. / A. Crosnier, J. ForestPublication: [Paris] : 1964, Muséum National d'Histoire NaturelleDescription: [13 p.] : il. ; 24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca de Algés[03685-S] (1).

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